Greetings Rock 'n' Rollers! It's been a while since the old blog was active, but I want to change that during 2021. I've been working on a bunch of new things over the past two months and one of them is a way to reconnect with you all. The other, well, is getting organized, and BOY let me tell you EVERYONE has ideas for how to do that! I'm not a huge planner person BUT, my gal pals Emerian Rich and Loren Rhoads have put together a massively cool project and I can't wait to share it with you. It's definitely the kind of planner I can get behind!

Book Full of Tools for Writers
Guest Blog by Emerian Rich
I’m so excited to present this new planner that has so much for writers that have never been compiled in one place before.
1st, my CHARACTER SLAM BOOK workshop, taught at various conventions and schools over the last ten years is finally in print. Learn how to make a book to keep all your character sketches, descriptions, and information in. It includes a sample character sheet you can make copies of and a world building sheet to help keep your world consistent throughout your book or series.
2nd, check out the 365-WORD WRITING CHALLENGE we’ve supplied 365 words for you to play with. Write something about a different word each day or combine them to write a short story every three days, it’s up to you. Cross off each word as you use them and challenge yourself to use them all before the year is out.
3rd, are rejection letters a bummer? Yeah, we know. We hate them too, but my friend Loren has turned it into a game with the REJECTION CHALLENGE. Situated right next to the SUBMISSION TRACKER, this challenge gives you kudos for each rejection you receive. Collect rejections to earn treats!
Find these and many more writer’s tools in the Spooky Writer’s Planner. This book is a godsend for all of us who have been trying to keep records but either didn’t know how or couldn’t keep them organized. Now you have a way to keep them together all in one place. You can either use the print version, where everything will be bound in one book, or get the digital version where you can print and reprint the pages that are most helpful to you and keep them in a binder.
We present to you the Spooky Writer’s Planner, a writer-dedicated planner that addresses the pains and worries of the everyday writer, whether you be a bestseller or just starting out.
Are you spooky?
Do you write horror, speculative fiction, dark fantasy, paranormal romance, or fairy tales?
Are you a spooky blogger, macabre non-fiction columnist, or haunt travel vlogger?
Are you ready to stop dreaming and be a writer?
Are you an author who wants to take your career to the next level?

13 months of monthly and weekly spreads
Monthly goal and recap sheets
Weekly check-ins and note pages
Writing challenges, planners, and instructions
Submissions, published works, and contacts trackers
Marketing, newsletter, and blog planners
Check-off sheets for website maintenance, social media profiles, and expenses
Fun sheets to generate writing ideas, track your favorite TV series, or to be read and watched lists.
Authors Loren Rhoads and Emerian Rich share the tricks they’ve learned over the course of a combined 50 years in publishing, from working with traditional New York publishers, small presses, and as indie publishers themselves.
PRINT: The Spooky Writer's Planner is perfect-bound with a glossy cover, printed on high-quality 8.5 x 11-inch paper. Everything you need is included in one handy book you can grab and go! Have book, will travel!
DIGITAL: The quick-download version gives you a digital copy so you can print the pages you want, print multiples of those you think you’ll use the most, leave those you won’t use, and create your own Frankenstein’s Monster of a planner! These pages are designed to be printed on 8.5 x 11-inch paper. You can put them in a three-ring binder, bind them with disks, or a spiral, as you choose. You can print different sheets on different colors.
Click here to find out more about this planner, see pictures, and spreads for each version.
I hope you'll check it out! I got mine for Christmas and I can't wait to dive in!
I'll be back regularly to check in with my favorite folks and in the meantime, comment below if there's something specific you'd like to see on the blog! I'm planning to share some short stories from myself and other authors so be sure to
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