Wear Your Crown With Romance Chicks

Greetings Rock 'n' Rollers! I love to do giveaways, and I hope to get back on a regular schedule with them since I will be off of work after this week! What better way to get back in the saddle than with a blog hop! I've joined the awesome folks at Romance Chicks for a Wear Your Crown Blog Hop today and I'll be giving away a few things:

A $10 Amazon Gift Card

30 Coins from the Kiss App

A free ebook from my backlist

AND A free ebook from any of the participating authors of today's event!

THAT'S RIGHT! You are the Monarch of this May Monday and you could win it all! All you need to do is:

Follow me on BookBub

Hop on over to the Romance Chicks Facebook Group and follow along


Because Ro loves music, I even made you a playlist to sing along to as you hop through the day in your crown!

I hope your Monday is fabulous and everyone refers to you as Your Highness, Your Majesty, Your Grace, whichever you choose to be called! Wear your crown today because you rock!

Thanks for stopping by!

Love, Ro


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