What Makes Me…With Anna J. Stewart

Greetings Rock 'n' Rollers! I hope you had a fabulous Halloween, a glorious Samhain, and that if you are preparing to celebrate more holidays with family, I hope everyone is healthy and happy for your gatherings. I am preparing to take teenaged boys to an airsoft battle, have a child home from college along with her roommate and two rabbits, and all of this with puppy Velma wreaking havoc on our house. I know it's temporary, this puppy phase, but any of you out there with giant breeds know that puppyhood with a giantess is tricky. But it's fiiiine. We're fiiiine. EVERYTHING'S FIIIIIINE!

But I digress. Today I get to host my very first guest in the new blog series What Makes Me and I'm STOKED to share with you Anna J. Stewart's brand new release, Exposed. But before we get to this titillating story, let's learn more about What Makes Anna! I asked her to share three things that were a part of her formative years, and I'm so excited to share her answers with you. Read on, fearless folks!

1. Star Wars. Picture it, 1977. The Alexandria theater in San Francisco. I'm seven years old. The lights dim… the music blasts. The yellow "A long ago in a galaxy far, far away…". That's when I saw and understood the power of storytelling. From my first time in a theater, there was nothing a heroine couldn't do. It's why to this day, Princess Leia (and Carrie Fisher) remains a guiding star for me.

2. My family. Not just the one I was born to, but the one I've built throughout my life. My friends are my family, which is also the recurring theme of all of my books. Without my circle, I'm nothing.

3. Writing. Combine answers 1 & 2 and you have my books. Those pages tell you more about me than I probably realize, but without putting words on the screen, I'm not sure what else I am.

I love learning more about my author pals. I've known Anna for several years now and she's always been so supportive, funny, and knowledgeable about this here business. Now that I know we both saw Star Wars in the theater—me in The Fox Theater in Fremont, CA—we'll have more to chat about next time I get to see her.

Anna's new release looks right up my alley, so let's hear about the book author Bestselling Author Jayne Anne Krentz calls "modern romantic noir at its best."

Hollywood secrets. Deadly Reveals.

Working as a Hollywood photographer means Riley Temple has seen it all. But then she finds herself

staring at the chilling image of a dead woman. When her questions about the film lead to violence, she

reluctantly turns to the only person who can help: Detective Quinn Burton, the police commissioner’s

son. Her history with the LAPD is complicated, her trust in authority, tenuous. But to find those

responsible and protect those closest to her, she’s willing to do anything. Even trust a cop.

After more than a decade on the job, Quinn knows a dangerous situation when he sees it and Riley is up

to her ears in trouble. But not for the reason she thinks. The pictures she’s stumbled on call into

question a notorious murder conviction—one that powerful people have a vested interest in keeping in

place. Seeing this case through means betraying someone: his job, his family, or the woman he’s falling

in love with.

As old secrets are revealed, Quinn and Riley find themselves targeted by members of a secret society

that has long maintained violent control over Hollywood’s powerful elite. A society that, until now, has

remained hidden in the shadows. A society that will stop at nothing to keep their secrets buried.

Buy links:

Universal Link: https://books2read.com/u/mBvwRA

Amazon print: https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1647100674/

Apple Books: https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1622096537

About Anna:

Anna J Stewart is the USA Today bestselling author of more than fifty sweet to spicy romances. Primarily writing for Harlequin’s Heartwarming (sweet romance) and Romantic Suspense (spicy) lines, she also writes for Arc Manor’s Caezik Romance. In addition to being a Holt Medallion winner (Bride on the Run), she’s finaled in both the Daphne duMaurier, and the National Readers’ Choice. In 2019 one of her books was optioned for television. No matter the story, Anna’s books are always about family—the ones we’re born to and the ones we create. Anna lives in Northern California where she loves going to the movies, attending fan conventions, and heading to Disneyland, her favorite place on earth. When she’s not writing, she is usually cooking, baking, binge-watching her newest TV addiction, or re-watching her all-time favorite show, Supernatural. She also spends a frustrating amount of time wrangling two monstrous cats named Rosie and Sherlock. You can read more about Anna, her books, and her workshops for authors at www.AuthorAnnaStewart.com.

Thanks for joining us for What Makes Me. I'll be bringing you the juicy details about some of your favorite authors writing today, so Stay Tuned…


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